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“Le Reggiane”. Strategic area between old and new identity.


Reggiane EN

Policies and projects for a new urban quality: Reggio Emilia.


Reggio Emilia EN

Emilia Romagna Planning Center. Historical Database of town scheme and plans.  (2005-2007)


Landscape design Lab in the Province of Bologna, Ferrara and Rimini. (2007-2008)

Laboratori EN

Small historic centers of Emilia Romagna. (2008)


Urban forms and infrastructures: the metropolitan railroad system in Bologna.  (1999-2002)

Servizio Ferroviario Metropolitano EN

Transport and urban quality. The railroad station renewal as an opportunity for urban regeneration.  (2002-2003)

Le  Stazioni EN


Territory management strategies and practices. For Emilia Romagna Region. With Oikos Centro Studi. (2005-2006), (Felicia Bottino, Valentina Ridolfi).

New competences for territorial and design quality of the regional landscape. For Emilia Romagna Region. With Oikos Centro Studi (2004-2005), (Felicia Bottino, Valentina Ridolfi)

Support to evaluate projects responding to the announcement of Emilia Romagna regional laws: L.R. 16/02 and 19/98. For Emilia-Romagna Region. With Oikos Centro Studi. (2004-2005), (Felicia Bottino, Valentina Ridolfi)

Preliminary study aiming at the implementation of the Agreement of 19th April 2001 between Ministry and Regions concerning Landscape topic. For Emilia Romagna. With Oikos Centro Studi. (2003-2004), (Felicia Bottino, Valentina Ridolfi)

Project for an integrated management of protected areas. For Emilia-Romagna Region. With Oikos Centro Studi. (2003-2004), (Felicia Bottino, Valentina Ridolfi)

Pilot projects to valorize the Rivers Park system. For Cassa di Risparmio Bologna Foundation. With Oikos Centro Studi. (2002 – 2005), (Felicia Bottino, Filippo Boschi, Valentina Ridolfi)

Methodologies and operative tools for 19th century architectural heritage protection and cataloguing in Rabat, Sfax and Tunis (2002-2005), (Daniele Pini)

The Ten-year House Plan twenty year after its enforcement. For Emilia-Romagna Region. With Oikos Centro Studi. (2001-2003), (Felicia Bottino, Valentina Ridolfi)

Study for the urban rehabilitation of the central area and the waterfront in Bihac (Bosnia). For Bihac Municipality and Canton. (2001), (Daniele Pini)

Study for the reconstruction of the urban centre of Bosansko Grahovo (Bosnia). (1999), (Daniele Pini)

Urban design for the reconstruction of a gispy settlement in Sarajevo (Bosnia). For the European Commission. (1999), (Daniele Pini)

Feasibility study on a technical assistance programme for the urban rehabilitation of Huè Citadel (Vietnam). (1998), (Daniele Pini)

Territory management tools at the service of the citizens. For the Ministry of Public Function and Emilia Romagna Region. (1996-1999), (Felicia Bottino, Filippo Boschi)

Urban space and residential typologies in pre-colonial Maghreb cities. For MURST (Ministry of University and Scientific and Technological Research, now MIUR) (1995-98), (Daniele Pini)

Survey on the reorganisation and urban renewal of the areas surrounding Essaouira historic city wall. (Morocco) (1995-96), (Daniele Pini)

Procedural streamlining of Public Administration in town planning and construction. For Ministry of Public Function. (1994-1999), (Felicia Bottino)

Survey on urban planning standards and on town plans methodology. For Emilia Romagna Region. (1993-94), (Daniele Pini)

Study of urban renewal of Afatessa area in Dire Dawa (Ethiopia). For the National Urban Planning Institute in Addis Abeba. (1993), (Daniele Pini)

The Arab Islamic Mediterranean city. Historical urban fabric characteristics and intervention criteria for rehabilitation. For MURST (Ministry of University and Scientific and Technological Research, now MIUR) (1992-96), (Daniele Pini)

Urbanization South Sahara. Inheritance and modernization: the development of the post colonial city. For MURST (Ministry of University and Scientific and Technological Research, now MIUR) (1989-93), (Daniele Pini)

Proposal for rationalization of construction control at a local level. For Emilia Romagna Region. (1988-1994), (Felicia Bottino)

Survey on the rehabilitation of central neighbourhoods in the Medina of Fés (Morocco). For Fés Municipality. (1988-89), (Daniele Pini)

Preliminary study and pilot projects for renewal and urban rehabilitation of the Medina of Salé (Morocco). For Bou Regreg di Salé association. (1987-88), (Daniele Pini)

Study of urban rehabilitation of illegal settlements in Tabriquet (Marocco). For Institut National d'Aménagement et Urbanisme of Rabat. (1986), (Daniele Pini)

Study of the Wall City rehabilitation in Rhodes. (Greece). For Rhodes Municipality. (1986), (Daniele Pini)

Survey on rationalization of intervention policies and housing construction rules and code in Algeria. For UNHABITAT. (1986), (Daniele Pini)

The impact of the railway network on the area of Venezia and accessibility problems to the historic centre. For CNR (National Research Council. (1983-84), (Daniele Pini)

Relations between urbanization processes and mobility system in the area of Venezia-Padova-Treviso. For CNR (National Research Council. (1982-83), (Daniele Pini)

The impact of the metropolitan railway network on urban context in some European experiences. For CNR (National Research Council. (1982-83), (Daniele Pini)

Surveys to create a planning guide for coastal areas. For INERAL in Paris. (1981-82), (Daniele Pini)

Survey on protection and environmental rehabilitation policies for Venezia lagoon. For CEE Service Environnement and Venezia District. With ST and INERAL of Paris. (1979-81), (Daniele Pini)

OIKONET. Strategies for social housing in Italian medium-sized cities. The case of Rimini.
